Shipping & Returns
Shipping Information
All content is digital and is available to download immediately after checkout! It will remain available to download for a limited period and 3 to 5 downloads!
If you made a purchase of one item you can request more file formats from the specific item (however we are limited to what our software can export). Go to the contact page and make the request we can deliver more files formats besides this ones available on the store, however it is necessary to ask if we can supply you with them. Then we will made them available for you to download in the best method we can find at that moment.
If any problem occurs during the Shipping please contact us using the contact page.
Is the product available after checkout?— Yes it is!
Is Stripe the only option to pay the purchase? — No. You can also pay with PayPal. This means you can securely pay with PayPal or credit cards.
Is the site secure? – Yes it is,at the checkout it is an "https" and we use Stripe and PayPal for payments which is very secure.
Any questions that you might have regarding shooping and download fell free to ask through the contact page.
Easy Returns & Exchanges
If you want to ask for a refund you have 30 days to do so. Please do describe the problem that you found, and the reason why you want the refund. This will be just for our statistics and self improvement, we will do our best to fix what ever problem might surge during the buyer usage of the product.
On the return we do have a policy to try to fix the problem in the deadline of a week if the client is not satisfied we will return the money back.
For any returns or exchanges please contact us by the email in the contact page or phone depending on your urgency. Please note here is GTM time, London, Lisbon.
Best regards,